Monday, January 7, 2008

The big poo poo that goes to work

I never thought of bodily functions as having gender.

Matthew, age 3: "Mommy, pee pee is a girl and poo poo is a boy."
Mom: "really!"
Matthew: "You are a big pee pee, Carter is a little poo poo, I am a little poo poo and daddy is the big poo poo that goes to work!"


AntSlice said...

That's what it feels like sometimes...I feel for you Llama!

AntSlice said...

P.S. Do you know why poo poo tapers?

Answer: So your bum hole doesn't slam shut!

AntSlice said...

I thought of that when I saw the top of Ryan's head. I still love you!!

Ryan said...

Wow... some nice comments from Antslice! The little poo poo joke made me make a noise at my desk.

Ryan said...

And that picture makes me look like Glitter Ryan...

Damon B said...

I always knew ryan was the big poo poo who went to work!