Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Booby Trap 6000

Newly updated from the Booby Trap 3000
The same great broom, but now with the bonus pan lid feature.
"I never thought I could part with my Booby Trap 3000, but when I saw the Booby Trap 6000 
with bonus pan lid, I just couldn't believe my eyes!
Goodbye Booby Trap 3000... HELLO Booby Trap 6000!" 
-Suzy Lemonjello, CA

"I never thought they could perfect something that was already perfect, but the Booby
Trap Co. have outdone themselves again!"
- Honores Kobelco, FL

"I bought one for my mother, sister and all my girlfriends.  They make
the perfect gift!
-Princess Consuella, Consuella Isl. 

"Thank you Booby Trap 6000!"
- Eldin Giffroy, Down Under

Suggested retail price:  $350
Now yours for only $299.99
Call now!
Don't be the only chump on your block without the 
Booby Trap 6000 with bonus pan lid.  

I've trained in martial arts for over 10 years, we own a dog and a gun, yet I still set this up when Ryan is gone over-night.  I precariously balance it against the door leading to the basement, so that if anyone opens that door... BANG, CRASH!  Yes, I am quite inventive.  Leave it to the broom and pan lid to save me when all else fails!


Pendragon Inman said...

you are halarious! I love it... hope you don't mind me dropping in more often when i need a smile. And thanks for stopping by mine today/yesterday. :) You had a very good point (about putting the thing back) Perhaps that's why it feels so darn hard :) Great to meet you Tina. Laters

Tody said...

Ok, maybe I'm not the brightest twinkle light on the Christmas tree, but what exactly is a Booby Trap supposed to trap??

Maybe it should be called the "Bad Guy Trap"... you don't want a bunch of sicko's ordering the Booby trap and then being seriously disappointed.

An even better name might be the "Husband Is Solo, Protection On Our Posterity" (or HIS POOP 6000).

If you need me for your Advertising team, just let me know. I'm full of .... them.

Shanna Blythe said...

Your dog is still kind of small though.

Anonymous said...

Who are you calling small?