Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I've been tagged. Only because Shanna cheated. I guess that means that I'm "It". As punishment for being tagged, along with tagging someone else, I have to divulge 7 secrets about myself...

#1 I never got tagged growing up. I was the Ultimate Tagging Champion. I beat all the boys.

#2 I lost my first tooth when I was 9 and had my two front teeth missing in 5th grade during Christmas time. Add to that the fact that I was freakishly small. In 6th grade, my teacher thought I was in Kindergarten. I was really popular.

#3 My stupid human tricks include: Jiggling my eyeballs, making a clover out of my tongue, and um... well, that's about it.

#4 I have an elf ear. (just one)

#5 I laugh in my sleep... A LOT!

#6 I have the PERFECT ending for the Twilight series. Of course Stephenie Meyer hasn't asked me what it is.

#7 I HATE TOENAILS! They are nasty and evil. Ryan's Grandma had really long, thick, yellow ones. I couldn't be in the same room with her. Even if she had shoes on, I still knew they were there. Waiting to attack. I also don't like things with lots of little holes in them. It makes me cringe and want to scratch it until it's smooth.

Kaylynn, you're it!


Heather said...

I love that you laugh in your sleep! I am not surprised because you seem like such a happy person. I usually think tags are pretty boring so I don't do them when I am tagged. But yours is funny! and interesting.

Tody said...

Heather, just from personal experience (and at risk of my own personal saftey), Tina is NOT laughing in her sleep because she is HAPPY... no no... it is because she is thinking of all the evil cruel things she WISHES she could do if she wasn't pretending to be nice. I'm telling you, she is constantly thinking of how she will take over the world.

When we were kids, she used to always say to me, "Cody, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Of course, I had no idea what she meant by "try to take over the world"...