Thursday, September 25, 2008

The coolest Kinder Egg toy EVER!!!
To those of you who don't know what Kinder Eggs are, I say boo!
I discovered these chocolate candy eggs that hold a surprise toy inside while in Russia.
One such Kinder Egg held this...

It's a dog...
It's a Little Man!!!
Isn't that absolutely amazing!?!  I don't know why I love this so much, but I do.
Is that so wrong?

Before I got mine, my friend Missy got one that was a hedgehog/little man.
I coveted it.
I despised her for owning it.
I tried to steal it.

It didn't work.
I cried.

Now that I have my own, I have returned to loving her again.
All is as it should be in the universe.


Heather said...

That's pretty cool, all I've ever gotten was this weird wizard that you can take his head off. Lame. yours is way cooler. Keep one eye open as you sleep. I just may come and steal it.

Brandy said...

Do you still get kinder eggs or was this from back when you were in Russia? I am remembering fondly the love is gum.... ahhhh if only I could find a way to get some of that again! Cool toy by the way.

Anonymous said...

Kinder eggs sound like so much fun. I can see my kids BEGGING for them. I'm curious like Brandy: can you get these in Utah or online??